What is Areteism?

Areteism is a philosophy designed to provide values and practices for individuals and communities. It is designed by and for individuals who want to constantly learn, grow, and improve themselves, their communities, and humankind. A commitment to Areteism is a commitment to a lifetime of learning and growth. We wish to lead rich and satisfying lives within communities of people which are doing the same. To achieve these ends we seek to more deeply understand the needs of individuals and communities to establish values and practices.

Every day, people use software to improve and simplify their lives. These software products are in a constant state of improvement and change. Each serves a purpose, and countless individuals collaborate to improve the design and experience to function more effectively and efficiently. Areteism is an innovative new approach to philosophy and religion, a collaborative effort to allow individuals, communities, and humanity to coexist and thrive.

What do we aspire towards? We are for increasing the potential and ability of all persons, in keeping with our three ethical psychological goals:

  • To rightly feel trust, confidence, curiosity, understanding, and wonder in our lives.
  • To rightly feel kinship, compassion, belonging, loyalty, and love.
  • To rightly know, control, and separate ourselves from the negative forces that prevent us from achieving these goals.

While there are many ideas we hold, here are a few which highlight what we strive to achieve and who we are:

  • We are dedicated to science, art, and culture, and sharing ways to improve the world, our families, and our own lives.
  • We believe humanity’s greatest strength is our ability to adapt.
  • We are deeply practical in our approach to living.
  • We acknowledge that every individual and every community is unique. One size does not fit all.
  • We strive to be empirical and scientific in our approach to life and philosophy.
  • We seek to validate and critique our beliefs and practices, seeking to improve practices to be fit for context.
  • We are historians documenting the effectiveness of practices and belief.
  • We learn from all sources (e.g., philosophies, religions, and cultures).
  • We deeply value diversity of experience, background, and opinion, seeking to grow and maximize that diversity.
  • Our endless mission is to seek out and develop practices that allow individuals and communities to thrive.

Toward this end, we seek to create a community of people:

  • Who would contribute to the lifestyle and well being of each other’s families and futures.
  • Which value self-control, intelligence, creativity, sustainability, and rationality.
  • Who are open to other cultural beliefs and traditions.
  • Dedicated to the exploration of human potential.

Designed for our Changing Future

In order to thrive, we first acknowledge that we have physiological, emotional, and intellectual needs. Areteism is designed as a framework to sustainably fulfill needs, coexist, and flourish in any context. Areteism was designed from the ground up to adapt to the rapidly changing cultures and environments we live in. Traditional practices are struggling to keep up with the changing times; far too often they fail to provide wisdom for the challenges of modern living. It can take decades for these old world traditions to adapt their practices and outlooks.

The beliefs and tenets herein reflect a kind of orthodoxy of official positions for the First Assembly, however, descended Chapters can differ in beliefs and teachings. Each Chapter can adapt and supplement this document, so as to enable members and attendants to find a Chapter that suits their character and beliefs.

Members and other attendants are not required to hold anything dogmatically. All are encouraged to differ in ideas, principles and beliefs, only internalizing that which resonates with them personally, in accord with verifiable fact. The exception to this, for it is the single thing that defines an Aretean and makes them in common, are the above set of three values. These exist as the foundation upon which we build our philosophy.

If something does not resonate with you, pass it by and take from us what can aid you. Areteism is a living philosophy designed to evolve and improve–we hope that with time more and more of the practices we share resonate with those who study the philosophy.

Interested in learning more or contributing? Tell us your story, email us.

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