The Areteian Symbol

At its heart, Areteism is about you and the people all around you.

The Triangle

The white triangle in the Areteian logo is your Areteism–firmly rooted on three core points: right knowledge, right connection, and right disconnection. While the center is a blank canvas for you to decide, the edges are clearly defined. We as Areteian are social. Our definition of “right” is set firmly in that social context. Our pursuit of knowledge, connection, and disconnection is firmly rooted in a single core belief: healthy family, friendships, and communities are worth growing and protecting. Areteism is about bettering oneself, those close to us, and humanity itself. Each of the points of the triangle has a name: (1) the top point, Knosis, represents right knowledge, (2) the right point, Philia, represents the right connection, (3) the left point, Apos, represents right disconnection. As Areteian’s we are constantly improving the way we see and understand the world, growing and improving our connections with those around us, and saying “no” to the things which harm us and the world.

The Square

The square represents Areteian practice. Not every part of Areteian practice is for everyone, some say this is why the triangle crosses over the boundaries of the orange square. Philia and Apos specifically sit outside the square, as there are many components of these two Arza’s that represent deeply personal choices (e.g., the communities and people you choose to prioritize in your life). Knosis, however, sit’s firmly within the orange square of Areteian practice. This is to demonstrate our commitment as Aretean’s to the empirical pursuit of knowledge as one community. We believe the many perspectives of many Areteian’s allow us to see truth more clearly. We believe that the unification of many perspectives (e.g., the scientific method) allows us to discover truth we can share and mutually embrace. We are empiricists, scientists, and engineers, and we strongly believe there are both “right” and “practical” ways of attaining knowledge and believe in sharing these with all Areteians.

The Circle

The circle represents the earth, humanity, and the seemingly infinite diversity of contained within each. The blue circle reminds us that we are guardians and custodians of the world and humanity. In some representations of the Areteian logo, the white triangle reaches beyond the blue circle, symbolizing our aspiration to expand our knowledge and connection to the stars.

Interested in learning more or contributing? Tell us your story, email us.

Learn more: What is Areteism?